вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Khushwant Singh launches his book The Sunset Club

The chilly winter Delhi evening was dominated by two unique individuals. And could there have been a greater contrast between these two personalities? He, the 'dirty old man,' touching an unbelievable grand age of 97 ("If I make a century I will be lucky"), in a wheelchair and a black ski hat, his glass of Scotch beside him.
She, a sober, dignified lady, elegant in pearls and a beautiful blue silk sari, her manner modest and gracious.

Khushwant Singh, writer, and Gursharan Kaur, the prime minister's wife.
"She is a crowd-puller! I discovered she could draw as many people as a star from Hollywood," Singh says, explaining why he always invites Mrs Manmohan Singh to his book launches.

"Sometimes she comes uninvited," he adds, mock grumbling. The witty Sardar explains that he unabashedly uses his Gursharan Kaur connection and often shows off to friends when flowers arrive from the prime minister's home for him.

This time around, Gursharan Kaur is far from a gatecrasher. She is the chief guest. She released Singh's "last book" The Sunset Club at the postmodern-decor Meridien hotel, New Delhi, on Tuesday.

"I have been saying it is my last book and I said that about my last six books. I don't know how long I can carry on... I am now trying to learn how to do nothing," Khushwant Singh, who edited The Illustrated Weekly, Asia's oldest English magazine, in the 1970s, New Delhi magazine and the Hindustan Times in the 1980s, said. Sunset Club is a poignant tale of three crotchety but hugely lively, fantasy-driven eighty-something Delhiites, of varied backgrounds. They meet every evening at dusk in the capital's Lodhi Gardens to share life's experiences and views, be it religion or sex or lust or Ayodhya or Valentine's Day or Varun Gandhi.
The sensitive tale seems to have bittersweet autobiographical strands, reflecting bits and pieces of Singh's life and that of his friends and relatives.
Gursharan Kaur pointed out, "It is typical Khushwant Singh, hilarious, open and scandalous. I enjoyed it (what she has read so far) as I enjoy his columns that are informative, refreshing, honest and very transparent."
"Khushwant Singh tried hard to convert me into an author," the prime minister's wife added, "but who has the time and the will to write? I think his talent is inborn. He cannot put his pen down."
Gursharan Kaur added that there was already a writer in the family, her daughter.
Daman Singh, her second daughter, has written two well-reviewed novels. Her elder daughter Upinder Singh, a professor of history in Delhi, has written several books of history. Amrit Singh, her youngest daughter, is a distinguished New York-based lawyer, who took on George W Bush's administration at a time when her father and the US president were allies and friends.

The prime minister's wife, in her simple, unaffected way, was the true host of the evening, solicitously looking after Singh, even as she spent time with others in the room, chatting, autographing books, posing for cameras. Arrogance? Not a trace of it. Style? Trademark, low-key friendly grace.
At 96, Khushwant Singh is frail, confined to a wheelchair, sensitive to bright light and even more soft-spoken. As far as spirit and spark go, if anything the legend has gotten crustier and sharper.

He recalled drolly how he got into the business of earning money from needling others in print, "I decided upon a three word formula: Inform, amuse and provoke. With provoke, I found that anytime I write something about people, they took me to court!

Among those who attended the event were sculptor Satish Gujral; India's first lady chief justice Leila Seth (whose son Vikram is one of two Indian writers Khushwant Singh admires; the other is Amitav Ghosh); India's Ambassador to Israel and author Navtej Sarna; Pakistani High Commisioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan; journalist Nalini Singh; Le Meridien owner Bubbles Charanjit Singh and Khushwant Singh's daughter Mala Dayal.

The launch of the final book of an author whose tart wit and frank take on Indian life has enthralled Indians for decades was an intensely sentimental occasion.

Editor-in-chief and publisher of Penguin Ravi Singh reminisced about an important Delhi event -- evenings with Khushwant Singh.

For decades the writer -- whose father Sir Sobha Singh was arguably Delhi's biggest builder through the 1930s -- has run an open house at his Sujan Singh Park home where anybody and everybody was welcome to stop by and have a drink, discuss politics, national affairs and just about anything under the sun with him as long as they made an appointment and left within their designated time or they were sweetly told to "bugger off."
Among those who attended the event were sculptor Satish Gujral; India's first lady chief justice Leila Seth (whose son Vikram is one of two Indian writers Khushwant Singh admires; the other is Amitav Ghosh); India's Ambassador to Israel and author Navtej Sarna; Pakistani High Commisioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan; journalist Nalini Singh; Le Meridien owner Bubbles Charanjit Singh and Khushwant Singh's daughter Mala Dayal.

The launch of the final book of an author whose tart wit and frank take on Indian life has enthralled Indians for decades was an intensely sentimental occasion.

Editor-in-chief and publisher of Penguin Ravi Singh reminisced about an important Delhi event -- evenings with Khushwant Singh.

For decades the writer -- whose father Sir Sobha Singh was arguably Delhi's biggest builder through the 1930s -- has run an open house at his Sujan Singh Park home where anybody and everybody was welcome to stop by and have a drink, discuss politics, national affairs and just about anything under the sun with him as long as they made an appointment and left within their designated time or they were sweetly told to "bugger off."

Ravi Singh recalled that Khushwant Singh has spent a lifetime cultivating his crusty, malice-to-all, not-a-nice-man dirty old man persona and "a bigger lie we will not hear." The publisher said he has not met a more "generous, sensitive, genuine and principled man... (with) the extraordinary courage to call a spade a spade, no matter what the consequences."

Penguin Books India had organised a film of tributes, some touching, some amusing, from some of the people who know Khushwant Singh best: Editor-writer M J Akbar, his tailor Saimuddin, journalist and editor Nandini Mehta, his long-serving cook Chandan, editor Vinod Mehta, writer Vikram Seth, his typist Lachman Das, his neighbour Reeta Devi Verma, among others.

Religion / Spirituality : The Difference

Religion is spiritual and spirituality can also be considered religious. One tends to be more personal and private while the other tends to incorporate public rituals and organized doctrines. The lines between one and the other may often not be clear or distinct depending on the interpretation.

Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons. Exert control, instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does. Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the equation. You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to elaborate churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray it. All those factors remove you from god. Spirituality is born in a person and develops in the person. It may be kick started by a religion, or it may be kick started by a revelation. Spirituality extends to all facets of a person’s life. Spirituality is chosen while religion is often times forced. Being spiritual to me is more important and better than being religious.

True spirituality is something that is found deep within oneself. It is your way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and people around you. It cannot be found in a church or by believing in a certain way.

In favour of the spiritual path:

* There is not one religion, but hundreds.
* There is only one type of spirituality.

* Religion is for those who want to continue rituals and the formality.
* Spirituality is for those who want to reach the Spiritual Ascent without dogmas.

* Religion is for those who are asleep.
* Spirituality is for those who are awake.

* Religion is for those that require guidance from others.
* Spirituality is for those that lend ears to their inner voice.

* Religion has a dogmatic and unquestionable assembly of rules that need to be followed without question.
* Spirituality invites you to reason it all, to question it all and to decide your actions and assume the consequences.

* Religion threatens and terrifies.
* Spirituality gives you inner peace.

* Religion speaks of sin and of fault.
* Spirituality encourages "living in the present" and not to feel remorse for which has already passed. Lift your spirit and learn from errors.

* Religion represses humanity, and returns us to a false paradigm.
* Spirituality transcends it all and makes you true to yourself.

* Religion is instilled from childhood, like the soup you do not you want to take.
* Spirituality is the food that you you seek, that satisfies you and is pleasant to the senses.

* Religion is not God.
* Spirituality is infinite consciousness and all that is. It is God.

* Religion invents.
* Spirituality discovers.

* Religion does not investigate and does not question.
* Spirituality questions everything.

* Religion is based on humanity, an organization with rules.
* Spirituality is DIVINE, WITHOUT rules.

* Religion is cause for division.
* Spirituality is cause for union.

* Religion seeks you so that you create.
* Spirituality causes you to seek.

* Religion continues the teachings of a sacred book.
* Spirituality seeks the sacredness in all the books.

* Religion is fed fear.
* Spirituality is fed confidence.

* Religion lives you in your thoughts.
* Spirituality lives in your conscience.

* Religion is in charge of the "to do"
* Spirituality is in charge of the "to BE."

* Religion is a dialectic.
* Spirituality is logic.

* Religion feeds the ego.
* Spirituality makes you transcend.

* Religion makes you renounce yourself to the world
* Spirituality makes you live with God, not to renounce Him.

* Religion is adoration
* Spirituality is meditation.

* Religion is to continue adapting to the psychology of a template.
* Spirituality is individuality.

* Religion dreams of glory and paradise.
* Spirituality makes you live it here and now.

* Religion lives in the past and in the future.
* Spirituality lives in the present, in the here and now.

* Religion lives in the confinement of your memory
* Spirituality is LIBERTY in AWARENESS.

* Religion believes in the eternal life.
* Spirituality makes you conscious of all that is.

* Religion gives you promises for the after-life.
* Spirituality gives you the light to find God in your inner self, in this life, in the present, in the here and the now…

May peace, happiness and universal love continue growing in your heart. You are all that is.

EU launches antitrust probe into alleged Google abuses

The European Commission has launched an investigation into Google after other search engines complained that the firm had abused its dominant position.

The EC will examine whether the world's largest search engine penalised competing services in its results. 

The probe follows complaints by firms including price comparison site Foundem and legal search engine ejustice.fr.
Google denies the allegations but said it would work with the Commission to "address any concerns".

Earlier this year the attorney general of Texas launched a similar investigation following complaints from firms including Foundem. 

The objections in both cases are from competitors which allege that Google manipulates its search results. 

"The European Commission has decided to open an antitrust investigation into allegations that Google has abused a dominant position in online search," the body said in a statement. 

It said the action followed "complaints by search service providers about unfavourable treatment of their services in Google's unpaid and sponsored search results coupled with an alleged preferential placement of Google's own services."

The Commission's investigation does not imply any wrongdoing by Google.
"Since we started, Google we have worked hard to do the right thing by our users and our industry," said the firm in a statement.
"But there's always going to be room for improvement, and so we'll be working with the Commission to address any concerns."

Google offers two types of search result - unpaid results produced by the firm's algorithms that are displayed in the main body of the page and "ads", previously called sponsored links.

The investigation will try to determine whether the firm's method of generating unpaid results adversely affects the ranking of other firms, specifically those providing so-called vertical search services.

These are specialist search providers, and can include sites that offer price comparison, for example.
Foundem alleges that Google's algorithms "remove legitimate sites from [its] natural search results, irrespective of relevance". It also says that the firm promotes its own services over those offered by competitors.
"Google is exploiting its dominance of search in ways that stifle innovation, suppress competition, and erode consumer choice," Foundem said in its complaint filed in February 2010.
But Google argues that there are "compelling reasons" why these sites are "ranked poorly".
For example, it said, Foundem "duplicates 79% of its website content from other sites."
"We have consistently informed webmasters that our algorithms disadvantage duplicate sites," the firm said. 

The Commission will also look into allegations that Google manipulated elements of its system that determine the price paid for ads from these sites.
Finally, the investigation will also probe how the company deals with advertising partners.
Advertising is the core of Google's business.

Google is alleged to impose "exclusivity obligations on advertising partners, preventing them from placing certain types of competing ads on their web sites, as well as on computer and software vendors," according to an EC statement.

In addition, the EC said it would also look into "suspected restrictions on the portability of online advertising campaign data to competing online advertising platforms."

Google says it already allows customers "to take their data with them when they switch services" adn that its contracts "have never been exclusive".

Honda's Hatchback Brio unveiled

Honda BRIO Prototype makes World Premiere at the 27th Thailand International Motor Expo 2010. The new hatchback is developed for Asian markets and scheduled to be introduced in India in 2011. 

Honda BRIO further advances Honda’s “man maximum, machine minimum” concept. Being developed as a commuter vehicle which is easy-to-use even in urban areas, the Honda BRIO prototype adopts an easy-to-handle compact body (length 3,610mm x width 1,680mm x height 1,475 mm).

Honda will develop unique versions of the mass production model for India and Thailand to reflect different customer needs in those markets. Moreover, with this vehicle, Honda will utilize local sourcing of parts and materials such as sheet steel. Localisation target is 80%. 

Fuel economy of more than 100km / 5 liters will be targeted to be classified as an "eco car" by the Thai Government.

понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.

Gay Pride Parade Delhi 2010

Under Delhi's beautiful November afternoon sun, nearly two thousand young men and women marched on Sunday to mark the city's third Queer Pride parade.
This year's colourful and celebratory parade starting at the end of Barakhamba Road near Connaught Place and ending next to Jantar Mantar -- was the first march after last year's Delhi high court verdict that struck down the antiquated Article 377 of Indian Penal Code.
"I am always reminded of my school days in the 1960s," said 57-year-old artist Sunil Gupta as he observed the marchers gather at Barakhamba Road. Gupta has attended all the three Delhi parades.
"It seemed it would never happen in my lifetime. What's surprising is that the rate of change has accelerated. The first year there were fewer people wearing more masks, and today there are more people in fewer masks," he observed.

There were many masks, but a lot of people wore them more to add colour to their looks, and less to hide their faces. As a lot of people observed, this year's parade, with over 2,000 boisterous marchers, included many youngsters - gays, lesbians, transgenders, but also straight people.
"There is a real change this year," said Gautam Bhan, an activist and one of the organisers of the parade.

"At the first pride parade there were four of us who gave interviews to the media. The numbers of supporting crowds have increased. There are new faces and new people talking to the press and that's fantastic," he said.

In the pride parades of the West, everything appears more orderly, and marchers are represented by ethnic, national, and other political and social groups. But here it was one big party along Delhi's Tolstoy Marg, with many people dancing to the beats of drums. And the cooler weather made it easier for people to break into dance.

The first pride parade in Delhi had about 800 marchers. Last year's parade, held a few days before the high court judgment, had nearly 1,500 marchers. The number was far higher this year.

Gay and lesbian pride parades around the world are held in the month of June -- marking the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Inn riots in New York City.
But after last year's Delhi parade, held on a very hot afternoon in June, the organisers decided to shift the march to November, said activist and organiser Mohnish Kabir Malhotra.

Apart from the masks and the colourful costumes, the marchers carried a number of placards. Some read: 'Closets are for Clothes', 'Queer Right are Human Right', 'No Need for Homophobia, Lesbian Suicides, Forced Marriages', 'Jab Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kaya', and 'Out of the Closets and Into the Streets'.
And perhaps the most touching placards were carried by the mother and grandmother of a young gay man.

The mother's placard read: 'God Blessed Me with 2 Sons. 1 of Dem is Gay and I Love Both of Dem Equally!' The grandmother's placard read: 'I Am Proud to Say My Grandson is Gay!'.

There were many foreigners among the marchers -- including a white couple with a biological son and what appeared to be a South Asian adopted daughter. An African American man wore a T-shirt that read in Hindi: 'Aadmi Hoon, Aadmi Say Pyaar Karta Hoon (I am a man, I love a man)'.
Many marchers holding a giant rainbow coloured flag were heard shouting: 'Hum Sab Ka Yeh Naara Hai, Homo Hoona Pyaara Hai'!.

The rainbow colours, an internationally recognised symbol of gay and lesbian identity, were also seen on the scarves, smaller flags and also a few umbrellas carried by the marchers.
Along the way there were many passersby, car and bus drivers who watched the parade with a smile and did not seem to mind that the event was causing a massive traffic jam on Sunday afternoon. Delhi policemen and women also watched the parade, often with smiles on their faces.

"The cops have been really nice," said Rahul Sharma, one of the organisers.

Unlike in the West, there were no counter protests against the march. "The few passersby seem curious," Gupta said as he walked in the parade.

"Actually, this part of Delhi is very quiet on a Sunday so you will have to be dedicated to come to protest. But that kind of opposition in an organised manner happens in the US a lot, because of the lobbying groups," he said.

"One thing is that India doesn't have is homophobia, because Indians do not discuss sex," he added.
"Even the casual homophobia doesn't happen here. If more such parades happen, then a few years down the line, there might be protests," said Gupta.


WikiLeaks reveals how US snoops on friends and foes

Nearly 250,000 classified United States documents procured by WikiLeaks give detail about a wide variety of secret diplomatic episodes and incidences of backroom bargaining, the New York Times reported on Sunday.

The confidential cache of US cables released to the paper by the whistleblower website was described by the Times as the one that unlocks the secrets of American diplomacy. The newspaper made public the details contained in the documents on Sunday, some time after WikiLeaks said its website was under a cyber attack.

"A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look at backroom bargaining by embassies around the world, brutally candid views of foreign leaders and frank assessments of nuclear and terrorist threats," The Times said in its lead story. 

US-Pak stand-off over nuclear fuel
More eminent newspapers across the globe are expected to follow suit, even as WikiLeaks on its Twitter account said that it is "currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack". It added that even if its website goes down, a number of newspapers will go ahead and publish the documents.

These documents, according to NYT, reveal a dangerous standoff with Pakistan over nuclear fuel. Since 2007, the US has mounted a highly secret effort, so far unsuccessful, to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that American officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.

In May 2009, Ambassador Anne W Patterson reported that Pakistan was refusing to schedule a visit by American technical experts because, as a Pakistani official said, "if the local media got word of the fuel removal, they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan's nuclear weapons, he argued".

China on a hacking spree
Besides, they also provide an insight into a global computer hacking effort initiated by the Chinese government. China's politburo directed the intrusion into Google's computer systems, a Chinese contact told the American embassy in Beijing in January, according to one cable.

The Google hacking was part of a coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government.

They have broken into American government computers and those of Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002, the cables said.

The White House immediately condemned the release strongly, saying it risked the lives of thousands of diplomats and officials and endangered its relationship with friends and allies.

 WikiLeaks exposed rights abuse in Iraq
Top officials of the Obama administration called up several countries including India and warned them about the imminent release of such classified US documents.

The Pentagon condemned what it called a 'reckless' act, and said it has initiated measures to prevent such leaks in the future ahead of the imminent release. The State Department asked it to return the 'illegally obtained' papers, insisting that their leak would "endanger the lives of countless individuals."

The Twitter message by WikiLeaks earlier said that El Pais, Le Monde, Speigel, Guardian and New York Times newspapers will publish many US embassy cables on Sunday night, even if WikiLeaks goes down.

The website has earlier released thousands of documents on the US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In October, WikiLeaks released four lakh secret US files on Iraq war detailing abuse of Iraqi prisoners in US custody, rights violations and civilian deaths.
Earlier in July, the website had published tens of thousands of secret documents on the war in Afghanistan.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Sunday said the soon-to-be released classified US documents will cover 'every major issue' in the world.

Late on Saturday, Washington rejected talks with WikiLeaks, saying the website was holding the cables in violation of US law. However, Assange has rejected the claim that the release would put to harm many lives.

The 251,287 cables, first acquired by WikiLeaks, were provided to The Times by an intermediary on the condition of anonymity. Many are unclassified, and none are marked 'top secret', the government's most secure communications status.

 China hacks Google, US spies on allies 
The NYT reported that details contained in the released documents include plans to reunite the Korean peninsula after the North's eventual collapse and bargaining over the repatriation of Guantanamo Bay detainees.

The cables also detail fresh suspicions about corruption in Afghanistan and Saudi donors financing Al Qaeda. Many more cables name diplomats' confidential sources, from foreign legislators and military officers to human rights activists and journalists, often with a warning to Washington: 'Please protect' or 'Strictly protect'.

The cables show that nearly a decade after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the shadow of terrorism still dominates the United States' relations with the world.

They depict the Obama administration struggling to sort out which Pakistanis are trustworthy partners against Al Qaeda, adding Australians who have disappeared in the Middle East to terrorist watch lists, and assessing whether a lurking rickshaw driver in Lahore, was awaiting fares or conducting surveillance of the road to the US Consulate, the daily said.

"They show American officials managing relations with a China on the rise and a Russia retreating from democracy. They document years of painstaking effort to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon and of worry about a possible Israeli strike on Iran with the same goal," it said. 

In Haryana, get a bride for Rs 1,000 from Bihar

CHANDIGARH: Haryana, reeling under a skewed sex ratio, is faced with yet another startling fact – an NGO has found that girls are being "bought" and brought to Haryana from 20 states across the country. The state's sex ratio stands at 837 in the 0-6 years age group, its lowest in the last five years and second only to Punjab.

In one case, the family of a girl from Bihar was paid just Rs 1,000.

In its report released in Pune on Saturday, the NGO, Drishti Stree Adhyayan Prabodhan Kendra, has found that most of the girls were brought from West Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Assam. It's findings also indicate that girls were bought within the state too.

The NGO surveyed 10,190 households in Haryana and found 318 women who were bought and married off to men in Haryana. The NGO has shared the findings with the Haryana government.

Among these 318 women, 145 are from different parts of Haryana, followed by West Bengal (43), Bihar (27), Andhra Pradesh (17), Assam (15), Uttar Pradesh (14), Himachal Pradesh (11) and Rajasthan (10). Women have been brought from other states too, including even prosperous states like Gujarat.

The NGO has covered a population of 56,520 in 92 villages of five districts -- Sonipat, Karnal, Mahendragarh, Sirsa and Mewat. The study was conducted to ascertain whether the brides came from other states and if a price was paid to get them to Haryana.

The NGO found that in number of cases, men had to buy their wives despite the fact that dowry system is prevalent in Jatland.

The report says whenever respondents were asked about money being paid for brides, the women chose to be silent. Only 15 women out of 318 reported that money was paid to their families. The amount varied between Rs 10,000 and Rs 1.5 lakh.

"This may not be a big amount but these girls come from poor families and this could be luring parents to give away their daughters, despite the girls going to faraway lands and having to adjust into alien culture," the report said.

воскресенье, 28 ноября 2010 г.

Important Money Management Formulas

Managing money can involve calculations to understand the worth of an investment. To arrive at a result, calculations can be done in a different way or by using a different formula.

Even the same formula can be used differently to arrive at a certain result. Here are a few commonly used money management formulas.

Compound Interest

I want to take a loan of Rs 1 lakh to buy a used car. How much will the car cost me at an annual interest rate of 8 per cent for four years?
The compound interest formula can be used here to calculate the final cost, which would include the loan amount and the interest paid. The amount that is actually paid for Rs 1 lakh is Rs 1,36,048.90. The total amount of interest charged for borrowing Rs 1 lakh is Rs 36,048.90.

Formula: Future value = P(1 + R)^N

Type in: =100000(1+8%)^4 and hit enter. P: amount borrowed; R: rate of interest; N: time in years.

Also used for: Calculating the maturity value on lumpsum investment (bank fixed deposits and National Savings Certificate, for example) over a fixed period at a certain rate of interest.

Compound Annualised Growth Rate

I had invested Rs 1 lakh in a mutual fund five years back at an NAV of Rs 20. Now the NAV is Rs 70. How should I calculate my returns on an annual basis?

Compound annualised growth rate (CAGR) will be used here to calculate the growth over a period of time. The gain of Rs 50 over five years on the initial NAV of Rs 20 is a simple return of 250 per cent (50/20 * 100). However, it should not be construed as 50 per cent average return over five years.

Formula: CAGR = {[(M/I)^(1/N)] 1} * 100

Type in: =(((70/20)^(1/5))-1)*100 and hit enter. M: maturity value; I: initial value; N: time in years. CAGR here is 28.47%.

Also used for: Calculating the annualised returns on a lumpsum investment in shares.

Internal Rate of Return

I paid Rs 18,572 every year on a moneyback insurance policy bought 20 years back. Every fifth year, I received Rs 40,000 back and Rs 4.5 lakh on maturity. What was my rate of return?

The internal rate of return (IRR) has to be calculated here. It is the interest rate accrued on an investment that has outflows and inflows at the same regular periods.

In the excel page type Rs 18,572 as a negative figure (-18572), as it is an outflow, in the first cell. Paste the same figure till the twentieth cell.

Then, as every fifth year has an inflow of Rs 40,000, type in Rs 21,428 (40,000-18,572) in every fifth cell. In the twentieth cell, type in 18572. In the twenty first cell, type in Rs 4,50,000, which is the maturity value of the policy.

Then click on the cell below it and type: = IRR(A1:A21) and hit enter.

5.28% will show in the cell. This is your internal rate of return.

Also used for: Calculating returns on insurance endowment policies.


I bought 500 shares on 1 January 2007 at Rs 220, 100 shares on 10 January at Rs 185 and 50 shares at Rs 165 on 18 May 2008. On 21 June 2008, I sold off all the 650 shares at Rs 655. What is the return on my investment?

XIRR is used to determine the IRR when the outflows and inflows are at different periods. Calculation is similar to IRR's. Transaction date is mentioned on the left of the transaction.

In an excel sheet type out the data from the top most cell as shown here. Outflows figures are in negative and inflows in positive. In the cell below with the figure 4,25,750, type out =XIRR (B1:B4,A1:A4)*100

Hit enter. The cell will show 122.95%, the total return on investment.

Also used for: Calculating MF returns, especially SIP, or that for unit-linked insurance plans.

Post-Tax Return

My father wants a bank FD at 10 per cent return for five years. He pays income tax. What will be the returns?

The post-tax return has to be calculated here. The idea is to know the final returns on a fully taxable income. Interest income from the bank is taxed as per your tax slab.

Formula: ROI (ROI * TR)=Post-tax return

Type in: =10 (10 * 30.9%) and hit enter. You will get 6.91%

ROI: rate of interest; TR: tax rate (depends on tax slab)

Also used for: Calculating post-tax returns of national savings certificates, post-office time deposits, and Senior Citizens' Savings Scheme.

Pre-Tax Yield

My brother says that the investment in public provident fund (PPF), which gives 8 per cent, is the best. Isn't 8 per cent a low rate of return?

An investment's pre-tax yield tells us if its return is high or low. The return on PPF (8 per cent) is tax-free. Also, this has to compared with returns of a taxable income to estimate its worth. For someone paying a tax of 30.9 per cent, the pre-tax yield in PPF is 11.57 per cent. At present, there is no fixed, safe and assured-return option that has 11.57 per cent return and a post-tax return comparable to PPF's 8 per cent.

Formula: Pre-tax yield = ROI / (100-TR)*100

Type in: =8/(100-30.9)*100 and hit enter. You will get 11.57%. ROI: rate of interest, TR: tax rate, (depends on tax slab)

Also used for: Calculating the yield on an Employees' Provident Fund or any other tax-free instrument.


My family's monthly expense is Rs 50,000. At an inflation rate of 5 per cent, how much will I need 20 years hence with the same expenses?

The required amount can be calculated using the standard future value formula. Inflation means that over a period of time, you need more money to fund the same expense.

Formula: Required amt.=Present amt. *(1+inflation) ^no. of years

Type in: =50000*(1+5% or .05)^20 and hit enter. You will get Rs 1,32,664 as the answer, which is the required amount.

Also used for: Calculating maturity value on an investment.

Purchasing Power

My family's monthly expense is Rs 50,000. At an inflation rate of 5 per cent, how much will be the purchasing value of that amount after 20 years?

Inflation increases the amount you need to spend to fetch the same article and in a way reduces the purchasing power of the rupee. Here, Rs 50,000 after 20 years at an inflation of 5 per cent will be able to buy goods worth Rs 18,844 only.

Formula: Reduced amt.= Present amt. / (1 + inflation) ^no. of yrs

Type in: =50000/(1+5%)^20 and hit enter. You will get Rs 18,844, which is the reduced amount.

 Real Rate of Return

My father wants to make a one-year bank FD at 9 per cent. On maturity, he says, the capital will be preserved and he would get assured return on it.

It is true that fixed deposit is safe and gives assured returns. However, after adjusting for inflation, the real rate of return can be negative.

Formula: Real rate of return=[(1+ROR)/(1+i)-1]*100

Type in: =((1+9%)/(1+11%)-1)*100 and hit enter. -1.8% is the real rate of return. ROR: Rate of return per annum; i: rate of inflation (11 per cent here).

Doubling, Tripling of Money

I can get 12 per cent return on my equity investments. In how many years can I double or even triple my money?

Formula: No. of years to double = 72/expected return

Type in: =72/12 and hit enter. You will get 6 years. For tripling, type in: =114/12 and hit enter. You will get 9.5 years. For quadrupling, type in: =144/12 and hit enter to get 12 years.

Nokia C7 Price in India

Nokia C7 Price in India

Nokia has released its latest edition of mobile phones  the Nokia  C7 in India. Nokia C7 is available in India at Rs. 16000. Nokia C7 comes with 8 mega pixel camera with zoom function. It is a complete multimedia mobile phone.


Beautifully crafted design

Integrated social networks

Maps with free GPS navigation

Powered by Symbianˆ3

суббота, 27 ноября 2010 г.

Micromax Android Phone | Micromax Andro A60

Micromax Andro takes a leap into Android phones under Rs. 10,000 bracket. Andro has 2.8-inch touchscreen supporting 320x240 pixel resolution which might not please the mobile fanatics. With dual-band GSM support this smartphone will be 3G ready and promises up to 7.2Mbps speeds via HSUPA and up to 5.76 speeds via HSDPA. Micromax has added Wi-Fi for wireless connectivity.
Micromax's Android debut Andro comes with GPS which is quite interesting for an Android handset priced for less than 8K.With measly 150MB internal memory one can add up to 32GB memory card. The phone offers 3.2 megapixel camera with Auto-focus. You can also record video but don t expect amazing quality. Andro A60 will also sport Accelerometer and gravity sensor for users to enjoy the light weight Android-platform based games

Most worrisome part of Andro A60 is the 1280 mAh Lithium-Ion battery that promises just 4 hours of talk time.

True Hyderabadi

пятница, 26 ноября 2010 г.

Complicated Mechanical movement Mechanisms Explained with GIFs

Rotary Engine:
Also called wankel engine. Converts pressure into rotation motion instead of reciprocating pistons. found in cars like the mazda RX-7.

Radial Engines:

Used in aircrafts having propeller connected to the shaft delivering power in order to produce thrust its basic mechanism is as follows

Steam Engine:
once used in locomotives. Based on the reciprocating principle.

Sewing Machine

Maltese Cross Mechanism:

used in clocks to power second hand movement

Manual Transmission:

Constant Velocity Joint: used in front wheel drive cars

Torpedo Boat Destroyer System:
used on naval military operations

Skoda Fabia RS 1.4 TSI 180 bhp 7 speed

The Fabia RS hatchback and Estate models are motivated by the VW Group's 1.4-liter double-supercharged four-cylinder gasoline engine that delivers an output of 180 horsepower.
A seven-speed dual-clutch DSG transmission with paddle-shifters transfers power to the front wheels.

Skoda said that 0-100km/h (62mph) acceleration comes in 7.3 seconds for both versions with the hatchback reaching a top speed of 225km/h or 140mph, and the Estate 227km/h or 141mph.
Combined fuel consumption for both models is estimated at 6.4lt/100km, equal to 36.8mpg US and 44mpg UK.
Being a sporty model and all, Skoda's err VW's engineers tweaked the Fabia's suspension and brakes and added the firm's new XDS electronic differential which is also found on the Ibiza Cupra and Polo GTI cars.
In the styling department, both versions of the Fabia RS features subtle cosmetic upgrades that include the new front bumper with integrated LED daytime running lights 17-inch alloy wheels, red brake callipers, tinted windows and a new rear bumper with a diffuser and dual exhaust.
Depending on the color of the body, the roof, rear spoiler and wheels for the Fabia RS hatchback can be finished in black, white or silver.
As for the interior, both cars get sports seats with "RS" logos on the backrests, a new three-spoke leather-wrapped steering wheel and aluminum pedals.

Tata Motors Vista EVX takes top honours at the RAC Future Car Challenge

Tata Motors' battery-powered Indica Vista EVX outshines rivals in two categories in the battle for energy-efficient vehicles of tomorrow.

Developed by Tata Motors' UK technical arm-Tata Motors European Technical Centre (TMETC), the Tata Indica Vista EVX bagged two category wins at the inaugural Royal Automobile Club (RAC) Brighton to London Future Car Challenge. The Tata Indica Vista EVX, which can carry four adults and hit 96km/h in about ten seconds, bagged the top honours in the Economic Small Passenger Electric Vehicle (EV) and the Most Economical and Environment Friendly Small Passenger EV classes, where it trumped competition from bigwigs like SMART, BMW and Mitsubishi.

The Vista EVX finished the 93.3km long drive from Madeira Drive in Brighton to Pall Mall, London at an energy cost of just Rs. 98.73 and in the process it only depleted 36 percent of its lithium-ion phosphate battery capacity, which calculates into an operating range of 257.4km on a single charge translating into a phenomenal plug-to-wheel efficiency figure of 74 kmpl. The Vista EVX will be manufactured in the UK and it is expected to go on sale in Europe sometime in 2011.

The Brighton to London Future Car Challenge has been formulated to help promote and encourage major car-makers showcase their alternative-energy technologies and it is open for electric, hybrid and low emission internal combustion engine vehicles. The vehicles are judged on the basis of their minimum energy impact through the entire drive determining the overall winners in each category. All sorts of vehicles including road-legal models, concepts, development prototypes, and pre-production and production vehicles are allowed to enter the Brighton to London Future Car Challenge in order to promote new or alternative energy technologies.

среда, 24 ноября 2010 г.

Inattention Blindness Test

You Have “Inattention Blindness”
First let’s start with a little test for you to take. Watch the video below.

This is an example of what is called “inattention blindness” or “change blindness”. The idea is that people often miss large changes in their visual field. This has been shown in many experiments.
Remember, just because something happens in the visual field doesn’t mean that people are consciously aware of it.

вторник, 23 ноября 2010 г.

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